◎國道三號 → 下中和交流道 → 中正路 → 中山路二段左轉 → 公園路左轉 → 館前東路 → 即可抵達「板橋.首府大飯店」。
◎板橋捷運府中站1或2號出口 → 過天橋直走至第2個紅綠燈處(蘇菲雅婚紗店旁) → 首府大飯店
◎板橋車站 → 走往縣府地下道13號出口(新府路) → 往遠東百貨靠右走到加油站旁介壽公園 → 對面就是首府大飯店(步行約15分鐘)
From Freeway No.3 → Exit at ZhongHo System Interchange → ZhongZhen Road → sec. 2 ZhongSan Road Turn left → GongYun Road turn left → GuanQian E. Road → SOFU HOTEL
From MRT FuZhong Station → Exit 1 or 2 → cross the overpass → keep walking to the 2nd traffic lights(Sophia Weddings) → SOFU HOTEL
From BanQiao Train Station underpass to New Taipei City Hall direction → Exit 13(XinFu Road) → walk towards FE21' direction → JeSou Park → SOFU HOTEL is just across the road (approx. 15 mins walk)
大有巴士1962線(Bus official website) 點擊開啟路線圖(Driving route map) 機場巴士上車位置(Airport bus get up)
機場巴士下車位置(Airport bus get off )
搭乘機場公車編號1962往返 ,請在鄉雲里下車步行約九分鐘到首府旅館.
巴士行經路線>>>>板橋客運站 → 鄉雲里 → 仁愛新村 → 亞東技術學院 → 貨饒里 → 日新里 →員林里(往程設站) → 土城農會 → 捷運永寧站 → 土城農會 → 桃園機場第一、第二航站Approx. 50~75mins
Bus route 1962 BanQiao Bus Depot ←→ Airport Very convenient when travelling between the airport and SOFU HOTEL.
Boarding from the airport, get off at BanQiao Station transfer MRT BL(板南線)to Fuzhong station Exit 1 then walk about 5 mins to SOFU HOTEL.
Approx. 50~75mins travelling time.